Very excited about the fact that we were finally able to go on holiday, Philipp and I set off to Cologne, to visit David. Unfortunately, due to crap planning and general laziness, we all got a bit confused about exactly which week we had planned, and therefor David was working a fair bit of the time we were there. No matter, because the time we got to spend with him were absolute quality, as always!! We arrived in his new shared house, met all his new housemates and played a game of Risk. This is our usual routine. And usually David completely flattens us. For those of you who don't know this game, Risk is a strategy game, played on a simplified map of the World, where the players aim is either to Conquer Continents, or Countries or to simply flatten another player depending on the task card one pulls out at the beginning of the game. One can also play for World Domination but that takes a hell of a lot longer and is much harder. And usually ends in tears.....well on my part!
Over the next few days, Philipp and I did lots of touristy things, like the Cologne Cathedral (not inside - there was some kind of concert going on and we weren't allowed in!), Cologne city centre, watch Davids singing rehearsal, visit his Library Job aaaand the best thing..... go to the bar where he works and drink a lot of alcohol for a little money! That was a very fun night, and I'm sorry to say that I don't have a single photo from it. But I have plenty of other photos!
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Cologne Cathedral |
The night before David had to go somewhere to do a course for something, we decided to have a few drinks at home and only then decide if we were going to go out on the town. It ended up being a lot of drinks and not going out on the town, instead we carried on drinking until it was time for David's early morning train to leave and even dropped him off at the S-Bahn stop. The poor guy must have suffered that day!! Imagine having to sit through some kind of boring lectures while the hangover catches up with you, slowly but surely and painfully! I felt for you David!
That was a crazy night and the rest of the time we spent at Davids was pretty quiet in comparison, we played another game of Risk, (two in fact - one of which I WON!!!!!) and basically hung around until it was time to leave for our ferry to England.
Dear Mr Havana, thank you for making the night very interesting! |
Philipp sightseeing! |
Stuttgart 21 Demo in Cologne |
Also, just randomly, whilst in Cologne, Philipp and I ran into a Stuttgart 21 demonstration, so of course we went along with it!!! It was fun, walking through the streets of Cologne and shouting about something that was happening three hours away!
We also found the wall of padlocks, along the bridge over the Rhine, which runs through Cologne! I found it very romantic because in Cologne its tradition that when you get married to go and buy a special padlock and together you lock it on the wall of the bridge and you will be happy forever! Or something like that - I'll have to check that again!
Anyway, thank you David for having us, we had a great time at your place, as always! And we will be back to visit very soon!
Hugs to you all xxxxxxxx