Last weekend Philipp and I went to Karlsruhe for a party, and since neither of us had too much to do here in Stuttgart we drove over on Thursday - to make a long weekend of it. We arrived and went straight to lunch with Philipps dad and sister, Ina-maria, in a lovely Pizzeria somewhere in Durlach. The problem was that we arrived a bit late and by the time we had sat down and ordered the other two had to rush off. And because Karl (Philipps dad) had already payed the bill we could just eat and go. It was a funny feeling, to be able to go out for lunch, and when you're finished eating, just get up and go. This only ever happens at home, but there you still have to do the washing up and clean the table and blah blah blah!! The Pizza was delicious, just in case you were wondering!
Then we took Philipps car to a workshop, and went to Marie's new flat. We rang the doorbell, went upstairs and who is standing there in the doorway??? Seonaidh Reid!! I thought for a moment that I was in the wrong country, since she had told me that she wasn't coming over this Summer but later in the year! Such a great surprise!! I was smiling from ear to ear for hours after.
The Party was on Friday night, and it was just awesome. All kinds of great people, lots of laughs and a very amazing Camera. Seriously, you have never seen anything like it! It was just so great that I had to take a photo of it! Here it is, in all its glory:
The Best Camera in the World!! |
OK, well its not the best Photo of it but at least you can see what I'm talking about! Isn't it great?? So I'm asking now; if any of you are planning to go to China or Japan and you happen to see something like this, please please please get it for me and I will give you the money and probably promise to be your best friend for life! Yes, I still use that childish saying but sometimes, juuuust sometimes it works!
Apart from this photo, I actually didn't take that many, at least no good ones. But then again, I think that's a good sign, it just means that I was off enjoying the party instead!
The weather was just amazing all weekend, and of course I packed for Autumn! All I brought with me was Black Jeans, a Jumper and a skirt which I didn't end up wearing at all! So as you can imagine, I wanted to use this opportunity to go shopping, after all there was a good reason. But in the end I decided, it was far better to borrow something from Philipps mum, for when it was too warm to wear Jeans, then to spend money that I should be saving. So for most of the weekend I ran around in Dagmars Leggings! Much better. On Sunday, Philipp, Dagmar, Ina-Maria, Becci and I rode to Ettlingen on the bikes to have an Ice cream. I was even allowed to ride the Peugeot ladies bike, which is just fantastic! The seat is super comfortable and when you ride it you feel like a Queen. The first time I sat on it, I fell in love! Anyway, eating Ice Cream was real fun, and because we couldn't choose which flavour to have, we had two!! I had 'After Eight' (which is just basically 'Mint Choc Chip') and Mokka (Coffee and Chocolate!). A few years ago I went through an 'I don't like Ice Cream' phase and only ate Sorbets and Juice Ice Creams but recently, its all gone wrong and I'm Lovin' Ice Cream again!
Photo taken by Philipp Linder |
On Sunday evening Philipp and I met with Fionn, Seonaidh and Marie in the 'Kippe' for dinner. Its a really cool student pub, where if you order a dish off the daily menu, and a drink to go with it, you get it cheaper, its cheap anyway but this deal has all the students running. When we arrived it was nice and sunny so we sat outside, and then this Massive, (and I mean Massive) cloud rolls in and it starts tipping it down. Then we drove back to Stuttgart in a storm, it was kinda scary because it was such heavy rain so we could hardly see anything out the windscreen, but we made it home in one piece!
So that was my weekend, it sounds like we did a lot less but mostly because I didn't include everything we did, I'm sure every detail would have bored you to tears!!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend!!
Madi xxx